Thursday, January 21, 2010


Rev: Marcus, do you reach out in love to receive Brandy, and choose to share your life with her? Will you promise always to give to her your expression of your ever growing love, will you comfort her, be sensitive to her needs, express your feelings with her, listen to her, put your trust in her, and forsaking all others, be her intimate friend and honor her as your equal partner?

Marcus: I do

Ring Exchange

May these rings be blessed as a symbol of this union. May these two people find the love in each other that all people long for. May they always return to each other and in their togetherness may they establish a home in which many will find a friend.

Marcus, as you place this ring on Brandy's hand, please repeat after me. I take you Brandy, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer
for poorer, in sickness and, in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.


Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. & Mrs. Marcus McNeill

Some of us never broke those vows.
Some of us love, lasted longer then a month.
And to some of us, our vows meant everything.


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